behappy_ruok21I don't know how many of you know I suffer chronic pain from a workplace accident that happened in the coal mines 6yrs ago.

The pain is there all the time, it's just the depth of pain that varies and today is not a good day. I woke in tears, allowing myself to cry my eyes out. You see I don't share this with many people. I continue on each day because of my kids. I can have quite a few days like this and then a few where life is ok, and I'm able to keep moving forward knowing that one day hopefully the pain will just go away. See I won't take the painkillers that the doctors want me to take… don't think I haven't tried them. They just make me high, and eventually if I were to take them continually they would affect my kidneys and liver. So I soldier on dealing with the pain the best way I know how to… remaining positive and just getting on with life, as there are many who are far worse off than myself.

I'm not looking for sympathy, I just want to share so that others may feel it's ok to open up about how they are coping or feeling.

But, it got me wondering around the R U OK day that we hold each year. How many of you really applied this to your day. How many people did you ask R U OK?

I see the importance behind what the organisers are trying to do, but I wonder if it is yet another way for someone to make money from it. People are crying out for help everyday, and what do we do each day to see if they R OK! do you stick your head back in the sand, thinking this is someone elses problem??

We can all help in many different ways. A simple smile, a hug, a good deed. How can we be of service to others… not just one day a year, but every day. This is the big question…

Years ago we chatted to our neighbours, we knew the names of the people at the local shop, we talked to our family and friends regularly. Our doctors were there to listen and guide us.Who do you have in your life that you can sit with and talk to… to really open up and share. I have my faith, yes I believe in God. I pray for strength to get through yet another day. God has helped me through many a tough time… he has a plan for me, even now with my suffering I gain strength and knowledge that he will use me to help others.

I just wanted to share here a little of my life, my pain. Let's see if we can be the change we want to see in the world. Together we can make a difference.

Many Blessings to you all.

Narelle x

