Ok so i am working on some secret stuff and here is where I let a little out….
- The Book – as yet unnamed however the working title is “Blonde Roots”
- Women In Series – A series of information and education articles, eBooks and Courses.
- Women And Mining – Mining Guide For Women
- Project X – The super Duper Secret (FUN) project…
Do you want to get a super secret never before revealed sealed section from my upcoming book?
Narelle, can’t wait to read your blog. Hope you have been well. We are trying to get moved to Orlando FL which is where Disney World is but going nuts trying to get people to assist us. I also launch our new blog about adoptions and the reselling of our story at http://houseofardynn.com. Would love your honest opinion and appreciate if you could recommend to your friends here in the states .
Do you use Skype or FaceTime ? I work late as u know and would lve to chat sometime.
Hi Michael, thank you so much for your message. I will have a read of your new blog and thanks for sharing. I have contacted you through pm on Facebook. Blessings Narelle 🙂