What does Relaxing mean to you?

Just recently I've had to stop and just be… as I get older it seems the body speaks with a louder voice. If I overdo it, the body shows me in different ways… a pain in the tummy, nerve pain, a slight headache.

Can you relate?

So what can we do to know when to stop before the body yells at us to slow down… Here are just a few that I find help me.



  1. Breathing… In this simple, powerful technique, you take long, slow, deep breaths (also known as abdominal or belly breathing).
  2. Meditation… Research suggests it may be helpful for people with anxiety, depression, and pain.
  3. Walking/Exercising… being one with nature, whether walking along the beach or a country stroll through nature, some form of exercise each day can be very beneficial for allowing our bodies to relax and enjoy the great outdoors.

Experts recommend trying as many as possible to see which ones work best for you. I know I feel better when I've been able to walk along the beach, it's my go-to place for rest and relaxation.

Showing Gratitude is also very important to us all. Even the littlest of things in our lives can bring great joy… a smile from a child in the supermarket, soft gentle rain, finding a park close to where we need to shop, a beautiful flower in the garden… you know what I mean.

So starting today, even if you can find 5 mins in your day just to be thankful, to take some time for you, you will find it easier in a week, a month, a year. after all, we are the most important person to ourselves. Be kind to you. You are Enough.

Love and Blessings

Narelle x