You might ask what all of these have in common… Me.
It's just the daily grind of everything that's going on in my life. The other morning I had a blood test… why is it these people think they know my body better… I am a hard one to get blood out of, but it doesn't matter if I try to let them know nicely, they think they are the experts and will bruise me and hurt me just so their egos are still in tact… I said to the lady taking my blood, perhaps it would be better if you take the needle out and try again in another spot… but alas, she seemed to think she…had to prove to me, she could get the blood come bruise or pain… I am thankful I only have to have a blood test every 3 months, and I feel for all those having to have blood tests daily :/
So my book is getting closer to launch day, and I went into my website to do some behind the scene work and there is was… the launch day countdown clock… 2wks, 2days, 2hrs, 2mins and 2 seconds… come on already… really. How aligned is that? Five 2's in a row. So I took it as a good sign that i am on purpose and everything is working out wonderfully. Have you been and had a look at the Events Page or if you are unable to make it to the launch… and I do wish I could celebrate with all my friends and family, then pop over to the Get The Book page. So long in the making, and now it is here.
I have a few questions for you… What would you like to know more about… Is there a subject or subjects you would like me to write about. Have you suffered from abuse in your life? There is not too much that will shock me… Ask away… leave a comment and I will get back to you.