Hello my friends, Well it has been 13 weeks since I quit smoking and I have to say I am finally starting to feel human again.The cravings are almost gone and usually I can find something else to do or think about for the few minutes they last. Yay for me 🙂
I have been having more emotional release as I continue to write a book about my life. Today I had a gentleman ask, Why is your life much different or any different that would make you want to write about it? That got me thinking and I thought I would first share with you my journey just this year (2011)
2011, What A Year
My mum had knee replacement surgery on her right knee back in January, she had the other knee replaced 2 yrs earlier, and the doctors would not normally operate on anyone much over 80, but my mum is in pretty good health. She lives in a retirement village, she cooks, cleans, knits, gardens, plays indoor bowls and sings to the oldies…hahaha.
She is an amazing lady who still has a good memory and loves to cook every saturday for her granchildren. After her surgery in January everything was going fine, but she died in my arms…it's ok, the nursing staff revived her. I cried for hours afterwards.
This got me thinking about my own life and where was I heading and what was I doing, see back in 2007 I was injured in a workplace accident. I was driving a 250 ton dump truck in the coal mines…this accident rendered me useless, me a mum of three!!! how was i going to cope. I hit a pretty dark place, well actually I don't think it could have been any darker…my children became my carers. The pain was awful, I didn't know how I was going to cope. I just had to find a way…
I turned 50 this year, and after having my mum die in my arms, (and revived) it made me realise how important and short our lives are. So I discussed my plans with my children and decided it was time for us to move away to the city and start making more of a life for me and my kids…
Was There A Natural Product That Could Help Me?
I had always been looking for something natural to help with my pain…I didn't want to take all the pain killers that the doctors prescribed, at my age I was concerned they would affect my liver and kidneys, so I dealt with the pain in my own way…don't get me wrong, I did try the pain killers, but they never seemed to do anything…or if they did, they made me high, but the pain was still there.
So what helped my pain in a way nothing had done before? Was I dreaming? Was this product really the answer?
Not until I had been taking it for 6 months, but now…wow, I have to pinch myself at times. My pain, the same pain I had been suffering for over 4 yrs. The same pain that had me wondering if life was worth living. The same pain that had been forced upon me and had my children fending for themselves…was now GONE….
2 Responses
Thanks for the hope and Inspiration you share lovely Lady! Narelle. I have started taking the suggested natural product, all going good at the moment but only early days for me. I guessed there would be many read your blog and maybe not post on here. I would encourage anybody reading this to add a comment and share your story with us. Even though I haven’t met Narelle in person yet I am really greatful for her kindness, love support . What she has shared comes very much from her heart.
Thanks so much Narelle.
Dear Konrad, thank you for your encouraging and supporting words, it means so much to me to have friends who encourage me to keep writing and moving forward.
Be patient with the product, you have been in pain for some time, allow your body to be nourished with this product…it took me just over 6 months to feel the real benefits, but wow, now i feel like a new woman…alive and well and now a mother for my children again…that was the best part…
Sending you big hugs.
Because i Care
Narelle x